Health care facilitation

Through our healthcare facilitation, you can receive assistance in navigating the array of healthcare services, whether or not you have health insurance with Vertikal Helse.

What is healthcare facilitation?

If you've been referred for examinations, treatment, or surgery but face long wait times in the public healthcare system, you can contact us for assistance. Through our healthcare facilitation, you gain access to our network of quality-assured medical specialists and hospitals, and you receive discounts on treatment facilities that are part of Vertikal Helse's network.

What is the difference between health insurance and healthcare facilitation?

Health insurance is designed to ensure prompt evaluation and treatment when the need arises. If you have health insurance with us, we guarantee that you will have an appointment with a medical specialist or for medical imaging (such as MRI or X-rays) within 7 working days. A medical advisor will guide you through the entire treatment process.

Healthcare facilitation can be utilized by anyone, including those without health insurance. For a facilitation fee, a medical advisor can assist you in finding the best treatment plan for your needs. You cover the costs of surgeries and treatments, but with discounted prices at the clinics within Vertikal Helse's network.

If you have health insurance, you can use healthcare facilitation if you need assistance with treatments not covered by your insurance.