New assessment

Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you are unsure if you have received the correct diagnosis or treatment. In such cases, it can be both wise and appropriate to seek another doctor's opinion.

Through your health insurance, you can receive a new assessment of an already diagnosed condition, proposed or initiated treatment, or previously administered treatment. Another doctor may be able to identify something the first one didn't or have specialized expertise that allows for a more comprehensive evaluation.

The opportunity for a renewed assessment applies only to diagnoses or treatments proposed or initiated by a medical specialist working in specialist healthcare services. The condition for which you seek a new evaluation must have developed after you purchased the health insurance.

You can request a new assessment by registering a case and attaching a referral from your doctor or documentation from previous evaluations. If a medical advisor approves your case, we will assist you in finding a specialist who can reevaluate your diagnosis and treatment.