Physical therapy

If you have physiotherapy included in your health insurance, you can receive prompt assistance for musculoskeletal issues. We cover treatment by physiotherapists, chiropractors, manual therapists, naprapaths, and osteopaths without the need for a referral.
What is included in your insurance can be found in your insurance certificate by logging into My Pages at
Travel expenses related to physiotherapy treatment are not covered.

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Good and prompt assistance for musculoskeletal issues.

Musculoskeletal disorders have become a significant societal issue and are currently the leading cause of long-term absence and disability in Norway. At Vertikal Helse, we have a large medical team with expertise in musculoskeletal conditions, so that we can assist our customers in becoming as healthy as possible as quickly as possible.

Physical therapy without the need for a referral

If you have physical therapy included in your health insurance, a medical advisor with specialized expertise in musculoskeletal disease can assist you in finding the treatment and self-care regimen that yields the best results.

Physiotherapy includes treatment by physiotherapists, chiropractors, manual therapists, naprapaths who are members of the Norwegian Naprapath Association, and osteopaths who are members of the Norwegian Osteopath Association.

We cover physical therapy without the need for a referral as long as it is considered medically necessary for sustained improvement in the case of illness or injury.

The assessment of whether a treatment is medically necessary is based on current medical knowledge and established treatment principles. Sustained improvement is defined as a clear enhancement of function that is expected to have a long-term effect.

Self-care is the most important thing you can do to increase the likelihood of sustained improvement. This is also a requirement for you to have physical therapy covered if it is part of the treatment plan you have received.

Follow-up along the way

If you do not experience the desired effects of the treatment or would like tips and advice from our medical advisors, you can call us at any point during your treatment process at 23 01 48 00.