Digital therapy program

If you have a digital therapy program included in your health insurance, you can receive psychological assistance when and where it suits you.
In addition to our network of psychologists throughout the country, we collaborate with Overvinne, which offers a digital self-help tool and the opportunity for video sessions with psychologists.
You can find the details of your coverage in your insurance certificate by logging into My Pages at

Help for self-help

With Overvinne, taking the first step can be easier. The app can be used when you have time, in an environment of your choice. You go through a treatment program at your own pace, and the advice you receive adapts to your emotional needs. Please note that the digital self-help tool is only available in Norwegian.

The Overvinne app is developed by psychologists and provides self-help assistance through videos, exercises, audio files, mood reports, and articles. You can use the app on your own or with a psychologist, whenever and wherever it suits you. The services in the app can be used for free and as much as you like, without a doctor's referral. The program is equivalent to a treatment course of 14 psychologist sessions.

You can use the digital tool without a referral, but if you need to speak with a psychologist, either in-person or through a video call, you must first have a referral from a doctor and report a claim. Remember that all treatment have to be pre-approved to be covered by the health insurance.